The Tree of Life
by Hermetic Ways

The Absolute or abstract space is that which is without attributes or limitations. Also known as sunyata, void, emptiness, Parabrahman, Adi-buddha, and many other names.
In Kabbalah, the Absolute is described as three aspects:
1. Ain אין: “Nothingness”
2. Ain Soph אין סוף: “Limitless”
3. Ain Soph Aur אין סוף אור: “Limitless Light”
In Gnosticism, these are the three highest Aeons:
13th Aeon: The Ain
12th Aeon: The Ain Soph
11th Aeon: The Ain Soph Aur
“The Absolute is the Being of all Beings. The Absolute is that which Is, which always has Been, and which always will Be. The Absolute is expressed as Absolute Abstract Movement and Repose. The Absolute is the cause of Spirit and of Matter, but It is neither Spirit nor Matter. The Absolute is beyond the mind; the mind cannot understand It. Therefore, we have to intuitively understand Its nature.” – Samael Aun Weor, The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah
“In the Absolute we go beyond karma and the gods, beyond the law. The mind and the individual consciousness are only good for mortifying our lives. In the Absolute we do not have an individual mind or individual consciousness; there, we are the unconditioned, free and absolutely happy Being. The Absolute is life free in its movement, without conditions, limitless, without the mortifying fear of the law, life beyond spirit and matter, beyond karma and suffering, beyond thought, word and action, beyond silence and sound, beyond forms.” – Samael Aun Weor, The Major Mysteries
כתר (Hebrew) Kether, Keter: means crown.
Kether is the first sephirah of the Tree of Life, and can be called the Ancient of Days. Related symbols:
Aztec: Tepeu K’Ocumatz
Christian: The Father
Egyptian: Osiris-Ra
Gnostic: The First Logos; The 10th Aeon
Hindu: Brahma
Mayan: Huracan Kakulha
Nordic: Odin
Represents: The active / projective principle of the Trinity.
Body: Dharmakaya, the Body of the Law
Dimension: Seventh or Zero Dimension
Heaven of: Neptune
Level of Consciousness: Dharmakaya (Buddhist), Haioth ha Kadosh (Kabbalah), Seraphim (Christian)
“Kether is the Father within us, a breath from the Absolute, profoundly unknowable to Himself. Kether is the Ancient of Days. Each one of us, in our depth, is a blessed Ancient of Days… Indeed, each one of us has in the depths of our consciousness a Venerable Elder. This is the First Logos. The Kabbalists denominate Him Kether. The Ancient of Days is androgynous, meaning man and woman at the same time. Kether is the first and last synthesis of our Being. The Elder of Days is the first terribly divine emanation of the Abstract Absolute Space. The Ancient of Days is original in each human being. He is the Father; therefore, there are as many Fathers in heaven as there are human beings on Earth.”- Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah
“O Supernal cause of all causes, Kether, I wish to strive for your honor, to establish the attributes of Aba and Ima, being Chokmah and Binah, for your honor’s sake.” – Zohar 16:4
חכמה (Hebrew) Chokmah, Chochmah, Chockmah, Chokhmah: means wisdom.
The second sephirah of the Tree of Life. Related symbols:
Aztec: Ehekatl Quetzalcoatl
Christian: The Son
Egyptian: Horus
Gnostic: The Second Logos; The 9th Aeon
Hindu: Vishnu
Mayan: Chipí Kakulha
Nordic: Balder
Represents: The passive / receptive principle of the Trinity.
Body: Sambogokaya
Dimension: Seventh or Zero Dimension
Heaven of: Uranus
Level of Consciousness: Sambogokaya (Buddhist), Ophanim (Kabbalah), Cherubim (Christian)
“The Second Logos, Chokmah, is Love, the Agnus Dei, the Immolated Lamb; it is the Fire that burns since the beginning of the world, in all of creation, for our salvation. Chokmah is fire and underlies the depth of all organic and inorganic matter.” – Samael Aun Weor, The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah
בינה (Hebrew) Binah: means understanding. Related to תבונה (tabuwn) intelligence, or knowledge from experience.
Binah is the third sephirah on the Tree of Life. Related symbols:
Aztec: Tlaloc Quetzalcoatl
Christian: The Holy Spirit
Egyptian: Osiris-Isis
Gnostic: The Third Logos; The 8th Aeon
Hindu: Shiva
Mayan: Raxa Kakulha
Nordic: Thor
Represents: The creative principle of the Trinity.
Body: Nirmanakaya
Dimension: Seventh or Zero Dimension
Heaven of: Saturn and Jupiter
Level of Consciousness: Nirmanakaya (Buddhist), Aralim (Kabbalah), Thrones
דעת (Hebrew) Daath, Da’ath: means knowledge.
Daath is synonymous with the Greek “gnosis.” Daath is hidden sphere in the Tree of Life and is not counted in the ten spheres. It is “dimensionless” and represents a state of activity rather than a world or place.
Related symbols:
Alchemy: Mercury and the Philosophical Stone
Buddhist / Hindu: Highest Yoga Tantra
Greco-Roman: The Golden Apples of Hesperides
Judeo-Christian: The Tree of Knowledge
Represents the upper Eden, Schamayim.
“My son, hearken to my wisdom [חכמה Chokmah]; incline your ear to my understanding [בונה Binah], to watch [your] thoughts, and your lips shall guard knowledge [דעת Daath]. – Proverbs 5
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Daath-Gnosis): because thou hast rejected knowledge (Daath-Gnosis), I will also reject thee, that thou shall be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” Hosea 4: 6
חסד (Hebrew) Chesed: means mercy or loving-kindness.
Chesed is the fourth sephirah of the Tree of Life. Related Symbols:
Arthurian: King Arthur
Buddhist: Buddha or Yidam
Christian-Jewish-Muslim: Abraham
Egyptian: Horus
Gnostic: The 7th Aeon
Hindu: Atman
Nordic: Odin
Wagner: Wotan
Represents: The Spirit. The Innermost. Our personal inner Father.
Body / World: Atmic
Dimension: Sixth
Heaven of: Jupiter and Mars
Level of Consciousness: Hasmalim (Kabbalah), Dominions
גבורה (Hebrew) Geburah, Gevurah: means severity or power.
Geburah is the fifth sephirah of the Tree of Life, and is also called Din. Related symbols:
Arthurian: Guinivere
Buddhist: Dakini
Christian-Jewish-Muslim: Sarah
Dante: Beatrice
Gnostic: The 6th Aeon
Greco-Roman: Helen / Persephone / Eurydice
Hindu: Buddhi / Radha
Wagner: Brunhilde
Represents: The Spiritual Soul. The Divine Consciousness.
Body / World: Buddhic
Dimension: Sixth
Heaven of: Mars and the Sun
Level of Consciousness: Seraphim (Kabbalah), Powers
תפארת (Hebrew) Tiphereth, Tiferet: means beauty or compassion.
Tiphereth is the sixth sephirah of the Tree of Life. Related symbols:
Arthurian: Lancelot
Buddhist: Bodhisattva
Christian-Jewish-Muslim: Isaac, Moses
Dante: Dante
Gnostic: The 5th Aeon
Greco-Roman: Perseus / Theseus / Odysseus, etc.
Hindu: Yudishtara
Wagner: Siegfried, Parsifal
Represents: The Human Soul. The Human Consciousness. Abstract mind.
Body / World: Causal
Dimension: Sixth
Heaven of: The Sun and Venus
Level of Consciousness: Malachim (Kabbalah), Virtues
נצח (Hebrew) Netzach: means victory.
Netzach is the seventh sephirah of the Tree of Life.
Gnostic: The 4th Aeon
Represents: The intellect. Concrete mind.
Body / World: Mental
Dimension: Fifth
Heaven of: Mercury
Level of Consciousness: Elohim (Kabbalah), Archangels (Christian)
הוד (Hebrew) Hod: means glory, majesty, splendor.
Hod is the eighth sephirah of the Tree of Life.
Gnostic: The 3rd Aeon
Represents: The heart or emotional body.
Body / World: Astral
Dimension: Fifth
Heaven of: The Moon
Level of Consciousness: Beni Elohim (Kabbalah), Angels (Christian)
יסוד (Hebrew) Yesod: means foundation.
Yesod is the ninth sephirah of the Tree of Life.
Gnostic: The 2nd Aeon
Kabbalah: The Lower Eden; Mayim; Part of Nukva
Represents: The energetic or vital body. The lower Eden.
Body / World: Vital
Dimension: Fourth
Heaven of: The Moon
Level of Consciousness: Cherubim (Kabbalah), Immortals (Christian)
In the microcosmic universe (man), Yesod corresponds to the sexual organs.
In the Bible, Yesod is Eden, the Promised Land.
“Yesod is the Vital or Ethereal Body. Yesod is the foundation of the Third Logos, the center where the sexual force of the Third Logos gravitates. The sexual forces which are the living foundation of our physiology gravitate in Yesod. The Holy Spirit abides in Yesod.” – Samael Aun Weor
מלכות (Hebrew) Malkuth: means realm, kingdom.
Malkuth is the tenth sephirah on the Tree of Life. The “fallen sephirah.” Malkuth is the physical world or the physical body. Corresponds to the Kabbalistic world Assiah.
Gnostic: The 1st Aeon
Kabbalah: Part of Nukva
Represents: The physical world or physical body. The lower Eden.
Body / World: Physical
Dimension: Third
Level of Consciousness: Ischim (Kabbalah), Initiates (Christian)
Malkuth is also the first aspect of the inferior world. Related to Klipoth, Malkuth is ruled by Andramaleck.
“The physical world is the valley of bitterness, the kingdom of Malkuth, the kingdom of Samsara. The Wheel of Samsara incessantly turns and the ego comes and goes; it disincarnates and returns always suffering, always searching without finding. The Tenth Arcanum, the Wheel of Retribution, is terrible, and the whole world is a slave of this fatal Wheel of the Centuries. Whosoever wants to be liberated from the fatal Wheel of Samsara must dissolve the “I” and incarnate the Soul. This labor is very difficult and those who achieve it are very rare. Really, the kingdom of Malkuth is a terrible filter. The refuse of this filter is what is common and current, which is swallowed by the Abyss. The gold, the select, the true Human Being, the Angel, is the conception, and the struggle is indeed difficult. Nature is implacable and the birth of an Angel-Human Being costs thousands, or better said, millions of victims. ‘Many are called and few are chosen.’” – Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah
Limbo, the first sphere of Klipoth.
Demon: Chavajoth
Planet: The Moon
Sephirah: Inverted Yesod
Vice: Lust
“Dante, the ancient Florentine, states that in such a region he found all of those blameless ones who died without having received the waters of baptism. All of this should be understood in a strictly symbolic manner.” – Samael Aun Weor, Hell, Devil and Karma
Second sphere of Klipoth.
Demon: Mulciber
Planet: Mercury
Sephirah: Inverted Hod
Vice: Anarchy
“When we penetrate into this submerged region, we feel in the depth of our soul the perpetual turbulence of those negative passionate forces that stormily flow and re-flow in that subterranean zone. It is not irrelevant to state that there we feel the stormy winds of Mercury, a certain aerial element. This subterranean zone is the place where the fornicators breathe.” – Samael Aun Weor, Hell, Devil and Karma
Third sphere of Klipoth.
Demon: Mammon
Planet: Venus
Sephirah: Inverted Netzach
Vice: Foolish Pride
“…let us carefully observe the taverns, cabarets, brothels, etc., from our tridimensional world of Euclid. Unquestionably, the vital shadow of all of this—that is, the sinister aspect of great orgies and bacchanalia—can be found in the submerged sphere of Venus.” – Samael Aun Weor, Hell, Devil and Karma
Fourth sphere of Klipoth.
Demon: Asmodeus
Planet: The Sun
Sephirah: Inverted Tiphereth
Vice: Triumph of the Beast (Egocentrism: complete oblivion of the Spirit)
“…within that tenebrous region, within those atomic infernos of nature, we find two specific types of devolving people. I am emphatically addressing the squanderers and hoarders.” – Samael Aun Weor, Hell, Devil and Karma
Fifth sphere of Klipoth.
Demon: Moloch
Planet: Mars
Sephirah: Inverted Geburah
Vice: Tyranny
“…the ironical, infuriated people, the arrogant, haughty, and conceited people, unquestionably stand out within the fifth Dantesque circle.” – Samael Aun Weor, Hell, Devil and Karma
Sixth sphere of Klipoth.
Demon: Baal Pehor
Planet: Jupiter
Sephirah: Inverted Chesed / Gedulah
Vice: Obscure Love (to be complacent with crimes).
“…the abode for the materialist atheists, enemies of the eternal. The blasphemers, those who hate everything with the taste of divinity, and the heretics, those who cultivate the dogma of separatism, also breathe in those regions. Like Dante, one feels filled with pain when beholding so many mitered skeptics and atheists stuck within the sepulcher of their own passions, hatreds, and limitations. When we think about the great legislators, sovereigns, and lords who rule social conglomerates, we obviously discover tyrants and petty-tyrants that originate complications and pain here, there, and everywhere. Thus, the outcome of such ominous proceedings corresponds exactly to the sixth Dantesque circle.” – Samael Aun Weor, Hell, Devil and Karma
Seventh sphere of Klipoth.
Demon: Lilith Ashtaroth
Planet: Saturn
Sephirah: Inverted Binah
Vice: Subtle Stupidity
“The seventh Dantesque circle is, therefore, occupied by the violent against nature, the violent against art, the fraudulent, the violent against God, the violent against themselves, against their own goods, and against their neighbor’s goods.” – Samael Aun Weor, Hell, Devil and Karma
Eighth sphere of Klipoth.
Demon: Belial
Planet: Uranus
Sephirah: Inverted Chokmah
Vice: Blind Faith and Fanaticism
“…within the eighth infernal circle unluckily dwell the false alchemists, the devotees of Black Tantra, the falsifiers of metal. They are those who crystallized negatively… Likewise, within the eighth infernal circle we find the money counterfeiters, the falsifiers, the impostors, the incestuous, the sowers of discord, the bad counselors, those who promise and do not fulfill their promises, those who create scandals, and also those who commit pilferage, false and lying people, etc.” – Samael Aun Weor, Hell, Devil and Karma
The ninth sphere of Klipoth.
Demon: Javhe
Planet: Neptune
Sephirah: Inverted Kether
Vice: Despotism
“To descend into the ninth sphere is indispensable. Some do it during life by means of their own will, spontaneously, and for their Inner Self-realization. Yet, others, the majority, the multitudes, do it in an unconscious manner when they descend into the abyss of perdition.” – Samael Aun Weor, Hell, Devil and Karma
The Four Worlds In Relation To The Tree Of Life
אצילות (Hebrew) Atziluth, Atzilut or Olam Atzilut: The World of Archetypes.
Atziluth is the first of the Four Worlds of the Kabbalah. This is the World of Archetypes or Emanations. At this level of existence, creation (Briah) and formation (yetzirah) have not yet occurred, so what exists are the archetypes or “blueprints.”
Analogy: To understand the four worlds, we use an easy analogy. Imagine the archetypes that reside in the sperm and ovum of the parents. Aziluth represents the equivalent archetypes cosmically, spiritually, psychologically, and physically.
The center of gravity of Atziluth is in the superior triangle of the Tree of Life. Atziluth is ruled by the sephirah Kether. In other words, the archetypes or plans for creation and formation are related to the superior triangle of the Tree of Life.
Gnostic: Pleroma
בריאה (Hebrew) Briah, Beri’ah, Briyah, or Olam Briyah: The World of Creation.
The second of the Four Worlds of the Kabbalah. This is the world of creation. Here, the Archetypes from above are being created.
Analogy: Following our analogy, through sex the archetypes of the man and woman and joined in order to create a new life. The same occurs cosmically, spiritually, etc. in Briah.
Briah is centered in the second triangle of the Tree of Life and is ruled by Chokmah.
“Here is a secret to the wise. Within the strong rock, which is the world of Briyah, in the hidden firmament, above every other firmament there, there is a certain chamber called the chamber of love, which is situated underneath the Holy of Holies of Briyah. There are hidden treasures there, and all the kisses of the king’s love are there. All the souls beloved of the king enter there.” – Zohar 10:3:61

The Four Worlds In Relation To The Tree Of Life
אצילות (Hebrew) Atziluth, Atzilut or Olam Atzilut: The World of Archetypes.
Atziluth is the first of the Four Worlds of the Kabbalah. This is the World of Archetypes or Emanations. At this level of existence, creation (Briah) and formation (yetzirah) have not yet occurred, so what exists are the archetypes or “blueprints.”
Analogy: To understand the four worlds, we use an easy analogy. Imagine the archetypes that reside in the sperm and ovum of the parents. Aziluth represents the equivalent archetypes cosmically, spiritually, psychologically, and physically.
The center of gravity of Atziluth is in the superior triangle of the Tree of Life. Atziluth is ruled by the sephirah Kether. In other words, the archetypes or plans for creation and formation are related to the superior triangle of the Tree of Life.
Gnostic: Pleroma
בריאה (Hebrew) Briah, Beri’ah, Briyah, or Olam Briyah: The World of Creation.
The second of the Four Worlds of the Kabbalah. This is the world of creation. Here, the Archetypes from above are being created.
Analogy: Following our analogy, through sex the archetypes of the man and woman and joined in order to create a new life. The same occurs cosmically, spiritually, etc. in Briah.
Briah is centered in the second triangle of the Tree of Life and is ruled by Chokmah.
“Here is a secret to the wise. Within the strong rock, which is the world of Briyah, in the hidden firmament, above every other firmament there, there is a certain chamber called the chamber of love, which is situated underneath the Holy of Holies of Briyah. There are hidden treasures there, and all the kisses of the king’s love are there. All the souls beloved of the king enter there.” – Zohar 10:3:61
יצירה (Hebrew) Yetzirah, Yetsirah, or Olam Yetsirah: The World of Formation.
Yetzirah is the third of the Four Worlds in the Kabbalah. It is the world of formation and of the Angels. The Archetypes of Atzliuth have been created in Briah and now enter into formation or development.
Analogy: Following our analogy, the embryo develops or forms in the womb. The same occurs in all other levels of existence. Formation or development is related to Yetzirah.
Yetzirah is centered in the third triangle of the Tree of Life.
עשיה (Hebrew) Assiah, Asiyah, or Olam Asiyah: The World of Action.
Assiah is the fourth of the Four Worlds of the Kabbalah, and corresponds to the physical world or physical body.
Analogy: Following our analogy, the child is born. After the archetypes (Atziluth) descend through creation (Briah) and formation (Yetzirah), they emerge into being in Assiah.
“The expression ‘doing (heb. Asiyah)’ applies to the body, which is in the world of Asiyah.” – Zohar 10:3:351
“…everything, both good and bad, depends upon action.” – Zohar
In the Biblical Book of the Revelation of St. John, this term is mistranslated as “Asia.” It should say:
“John to the seven churches [energetic, psychological centers] which are in Assiah [the physical body]: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne.” (Revelation 1:4)
“Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Assiah [the physical body]; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.” (Revelation 1:11)
קליפות (Hebrew) Klipoth, Qliphoth, kliffoth, klippot or kellipot: means “The World of Shells.”
This is to be understood as “something that is empty.” The Klipoth is so named because the souls who descend into the inferior worlds descend without the connection to their own inner divinity, therefore they are “empty shells.”
Represents: Hell, the abyss, the Tritocosmos, avitchi, averno, hades, pluto, etc.
“Adam was drawn downward after the serpent. He went down to learn of all that is below, meaning that he went down to draw the light of Chochmah to the lower Malchut that is missing like the serpent. As he went down for the purpose of drawing light from above to below, his desires and his ways were drawn after the Klipot. This drawing downward of the light of union is the secret of ‘prohibition of the tree of knowledge.’ Since he intended to draw the light downward, he cleaved immediately to the Klipot, even though he had not yet actually drawn any light. They went down to the serpent and saw the desire of the world. And his ways were swayed to this place of Malchut, which is the secret of eating of the tree of knowledge. Then the serpent was drawn after Adam and his wife. It cleaved onto them with its filth, bringing death to them and all subsequent generations.” – Zohar 2:55:287
““And they sewed fig leaves together” (Genesis / Beresheet 3:7), meaning that they were covered by many layers of Klipot of the mixed multitude [the ego]. This was because they were naked without the Torah [law]. Therefore, they were covered in order not to reveal their nakedness, which is the place [the sexual organs] onto which the klipot cling.” – Zohar
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Hosea 4:6
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children."